Making home education an achievable alternative to conventional schooling

‘It’s an important career choice’

Andrea Hiebert discusses the importance of respecting the choice to stay home and educate children, viewing it as a significant career path.

In our ongoing pursuit to allow you to delve into and immerse yourself in the world of home education, we were delighted to speak with Andrea Hiebert, a homeschooling mother of four from British Columbia. In this enlightening discussion, Andrea shares her journey and invaluable insights into the world of home education. Whether you’re a seasoned homeschooler or considering this pathway for your family, Andrea’s experience offers a wealth of knowledge and encouragement.

Our guest

Andrea Hiebert is an enthusiastic and dedicated mother who has been educating her four children for over 13 years. Based in the picturesque surroundings of metropolitan Vancouver, Andrea’s family consists of her eldest daughter, Kate, who is 18, another daughter aged 15, and 13-year-old twin boys. Andrea began homeschooling all her children right from the start.

Former professional teacher

Before diving into the world of home education, Andrea had a professional background in teaching. She holds an undergraduate degree in English Literature and a teaching certificate. Andrea spent six years teaching in a private school, a role she found incredibly fulfilling. Interestingly, her teaching career both shaped and challenged the traditional path she initially envisioned for her children’s education.

So why didn’t she send her children to school?

Andrea’s transition from a passionate teacher to a committed homeschooler was influenced by various factors. Her husband’s role as a Member of Parliament necessitated a lifestyle that maintained family unity despite geographical distances. Additionally, exposure to educational conferences and influential figures like psychologist Gordon Neufeld underscored the importance of parents being primary influences in their children’s lives. These experiences collectively paved the way for Andrea and her husband to choose home education for their children.

A personal philosophy

Central to Andrea’s approach is the belief that you do not have to be a trained teacher to home educate successfully. She argues that what is essential is a deep commitment to understanding your children, their needs, and aligning their education with your family's values. For Andrea, the goal has always been to teach her children what is “good, true, and beautiful”. Her philosophy emphasises the importance of being an ardent student of your children and tailoring education to fit their unique needs and strengths.

A typical homeschooling week

Andrea’s homeschooling methods have evolved over the years, adapting to the changing needs of her children. She adopts a literature based approach, using real books (not textbooks) as central tools in teaching various subjects. Her strategy involves distinguishing between “majors and minors” – focusing on core subjects like English and Social Studies as spines, from which other subjects can be integrated.

Practicality and adaptability are cornerstones of Andrea’s approach. For instance, during periods of travel, her family engages in ‘road schooling,’ integrating education seamlessly into their travel experiences. This flexibility allows for dynamic and enriched learning environments.

Morning time

One effective method Andrea employs is Morning Time or loop scheduling, especially when teaching younger children. This involves a basket of activities that are rotated, ensuring that a variety of learning experiences are provided without being overwhelmed. Mornings are usually reserved for more academic, focused activities, while afternoons are dedicated to lighter subjects or personal projects, which she believes makes for a balanced and engaging educational experience.

Home educating is a career

Andrea reflects that choosing to homeschool is a significant career decision, deserving of the same respect as any other professional path. Despite occasional criticism, she reminds us that it’s essential to recognise that the time spent educating children at home is an investment in the future of our communities and countries. Just like climbing a corporate ladder, homeschooling is a commitment to shaping the next generation of contributors to society. The years dedicated to this role are brief, and there will be ample opportunity to pursue other ambitions afterwards. This choice reflects a valuable and respectable contribution to society, deserving of acknowledgement and respect.

Key takeouts

Andrea Hiebert’s dedication and practical insights into home education provide a compelling narrative for families considering this path. Her experience underscores the importance of family values, flexibility, and the personalisation of education to meet the needs of each child. By investing time and energy into their children’s education, parents like Andrea are shaping a new generation of learners who are well-equipped to thrive in an ever-changing world.

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